Sunday, December 16, 2007

First visit to Santa

We took Ava to go get her picture taken with Santa in Seattle. It was soon as she sat on Santa's lap she started grinning and was having a good ole time. About 30 seconds into it, she turned her head to see just who's lap she was sitting on and burst into tears. Priceless.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Bright eyes

Grandma and grandpa took lots of pictures while babysitting Ava. This is one of the best.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Breakfast with Grandpa

Ava also got to spend some quality time with grandpa...with the best times coming at breakfast.

Nap time

Grandma took an active role in nap time.

Turkey day in Norcal

We flew down to the Bay Area for Thanksgiving to see everyone and enjoy some warmer weather. Ava got to see all her extended family and spend some quality time with her grandparents and aunties.

Six months old

Her beautiful smile makes us laugh each day.