Sunday, December 16, 2007

First visit to Santa

We took Ava to go get her picture taken with Santa in Seattle. It was soon as she sat on Santa's lap she started grinning and was having a good ole time. About 30 seconds into it, she turned her head to see just who's lap she was sitting on and burst into tears. Priceless.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Bright eyes

Grandma and grandpa took lots of pictures while babysitting Ava. This is one of the best.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Breakfast with Grandpa

Ava also got to spend some quality time with grandpa...with the best times coming at breakfast.

Nap time

Grandma took an active role in nap time.

Turkey day in Norcal

We flew down to the Bay Area for Thanksgiving to see everyone and enjoy some warmer weather. Ava got to see all her extended family and spend some quality time with her grandparents and aunties.

Six months old

Her beautiful smile makes us laugh each day.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Our little pumpkin

Dressed in her Halloween costume, Ava had fun at the pumpkin patch.

Pumpkin patch

Recently we ventured into rural Pierce County to embrace Fall and pick out some pumpkins. Ava dressed up in her Halloween costume (a penguin if you can't tell) and Buster had a great time running through the fields.

Look what I can do!

One of Ava's favorite activites is touching her toes and pulling off her socks.

Feedin' time

As we approach five months old, we are starting to bring some solid food into the diet. Rice cereal is good....but messy. It's also good mommy and daughter bonding time.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

I'm maaaaddd!

In addition to all the laughing...there are also bouts of crying and being grumpy while she is teething.

Four months old

Ava is already four months old and she's very active and always laughing.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Three months old!

How time flies! Ava is already three months old and she is getting bigger and bigger everyday.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

One month old

Ava continues to grow and amaze us more and more each and every day.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Rub a dub dub

She hated her first couple of baths...but she is getting used to it. She didn't make a peep this time we bathed her.

Ava tree

In honor of a new life, we also planted a tree in the front yard. It's a Crimson Red Dogwood.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Home sweet home

Ava is getting settled in her new surroundings.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Grandma's turn

Kind of weird to think of Susan as a grandma...

Proud papas

Two generations of Hemstreets admire the next generation.

The big day

Ava Safia Hemstreet was born May 10, 2007 at 10:35 p.m. She weighed in at 7 lbs. 2 ounces. Bracie and baby are doing well.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Her first gift

This is an antique dresser we refinished for her. It was Bracie's idea to use the crackle effect on the paint. It turned out great.

Ready for baby

This past weekend we finally finished the room for the baby. Lots of sweat and tears (thankfully no blood).

Monday, March 5, 2007

Future aunties

It was also a time for more Hemstreet bonding and for Lynsey and Allyson to get excited about becoming aunts for the first time.

Baby shower fun

Bracie's family flew up to Northern California for the baby shower. It was the first time in a while the Ghobrial clan has been together.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Buster can't wait for a sister

Would this cute face harm a child? That's is the question we'll be asking ourselves when Buster gets less attention when the baby comes.

Father and son bonding

Much love to the parents for coming up to the Northwest for and helping with the new house. Larry and Tyler fixed the gate and did some other household projects.